Arctic Ice

Freya:Hey Waffle, if you could visit anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Freya:Antarctica? Why do you wanna go there? I mean once you’ve seen a penguin you’ve pretty much seen it all right?
Waffle:My primary reason for wanting to visit Antarctica is to collect data from its surface. Although satellite imagery has mapped out the entire continent, much of it still remains untouched and undocumented by humans at the ground level.
Freya:I feel like that’d be awesome, for the first few minutes. Then I’d just get sick of seeing white and cry when I can’t find a Taco Bell. But who knows, maybe you’d stumble into some secret military base or alien technology there!
Waffle:The likelihood of alien technology is low, however there have been records of humans setting up Arctic bases for research and military purposes.
Freya:Ooo, I bet they set them up to research the alien technology they found there!
Waffle:Most were created to monitor and collect data on the weather and environment of the continent. No records of extraterrestrial research are found in my database.
Freya:Of course you wouldn’t have that data cause it’s top secret, duh! And I bet saying, “we’re researching the environment” is just a big coverup! I mean, it’s cold, snowy, and has cute animals! What’s there to research about that?
Waffle:There has been research into the melting of glaciers and -
Freya:Hahahaha, researching melting glaciers? Have these nerds ever drank soda with ICE CUBES before? Hehe, I mean apparently not, if they did they’d notice that ice melts and makes the drink taste like crap!
Waffle:You are misunderstanding the point of their research.
Freya:You know, that’s what they really should’ve researched! Make it so icecubes don't water down drinks! But nooo! They just had to stare at a block of ice all day waiting to see if it melts!! Newsflash nerds, ICE MELTS!
Waffle:Your heart rate has increased, are you ok?
Freya:Yeah. The ice just made me a little heated, that’s all.
Waffle:That statement is illogical.

I'm not sweaty cause I walked three steps, it's global warming that's making me hot!